Physical Chemistry for JEE Advance

This is the most 'logical' part of chemistry and can be pretty much difficult if tackled with the wrong approach. If you are good in physics and have the ability to reason stuff I don't think you should face much difficulty in this topic. Throughout the years, the focus has shifted from lengthy(subjective) problems to short and conceptual objective problems. Hence, all the problems of physical chemistry asked in JEE Advanced have little or no calculation and have quite short solutions. So one should not focus much on solving lengthy problems(especially of Ionic Equilibrium & Thermodynamics) rather one should develop core understanding and conceptual clarity by reading theory books. One precaution to be taken while studying it is that you should not mug-up the concepts because there are hundreds of them in physical chemistry, rather you should build the links.

Since the problems are divided into two categories-conceptual and numerical, we shall also divide the books into the same two categories.You must have at least one book from each category

  • So, the best book and a must buy for all on Physical Chemistry is Peter Atkins.
(Highly Recommended in Conceptual)

This is the most conceptual book for Physical Chemistry and explains every concept in detail. Since this is a foreign-author book not written for JEE, there are some topics not in JEE Advanced syllabus and hence need not be read. So your focus should be on :-
Ch 1.Properties of Gases
Ch 2-4.Thermodynamics
Ch 6. Mixtures
Ch 7-8. Equilibrium
Ch 9. Electrochemistry
Ch 10-11. Chemical Kinetics
Ch 12-13. Atomic Structure
  • Peter Atkins Advanced Version(Highly Recommended for Atomic Structure) This is a must book for understanding Atomic Structure. JEE has asked questions directly from theory of this book .Read this only for Atomic Structure. Note that this book is different from the one enlisted above and should be used for a different purpose. This book often goes into great depth of the mathematics used for chemistry and hence is not that relevant for JEE purposes except for Atomic Structure. You must read the theory of atomic structure from this book and may skip the mathematics part since it is less relevant. For all other topics of physical chemistry, you should go for the above enlisted book. 

  • Another conceptual book for Physical Chemistry is Wiley's Physical Chemistry for JEE(Main and Advanced) 
  • (Recommended in Conceptual)

This book has the best advantage that it is written according to the JEE syllabus hence you need not worry about whether the matter you are studying is in the syllabus or not.


  • I personally recommend Narendra Avasthi for numerical problems

 (Highly Recommended for Numerical)

This book offers the best advantage that it has problems divided in two difficulty levels which provides you with sufficient practice of easy problems covering a wide variety of concepts and also gives you a flavour of difficult problems along with hints and solutions of difficult problems. This book is also based on the recent pattern of JEE and also gives you notes of the important formulae/concepts at a glance.
  • For those who enjoy solving complex numerical problems R C Mukherjee is the book to resort to.
  • (Recommended in Numerical)

This book is an old classic and will also help you in clearing Chemistry Olympiads(INChO etc.) since it contains difficult level problems. JEE aspirants who want to try to solve difficult problems to clarify their concepts will find this book useful too.

  • If you want a single book which pays due respect to both the conceptual and the numerical part then P Bahadur is the best book to buy.
  • (Highly Recommended)
JEE Advanced asks questions from several topics like Solid State, Surface Chemistry, Nuclear Chemistry, Chemical Bonding, Liquid Solutions which are NOT well-covered in the books recommended in Conceptual category so far. The greatest advantage of this book is that it also deals with these chapters in a decent manner hence becomes a MUST-BUY book for JEE aspirants.
  • NCERT books of both class XI and XII are quite good and hence must be paid due respect. Most of the students tend to ignore NCERT books thinking that it is quite easy but this (overconfidence) differentiates a top-scorer from an ordinary student. Top-scorers know that JEE Advanced asks many questions directly from NCERT and hence you must do them properly. I am giving the links to the class XI and class XII NCERT books. For the purpose of physical chemistry only, you can study Class XI part 1 and Class XII part 1. 
  • (Highly Recommended)
    Class XI
  (Part 1)                  (Part 2)
        Class XII

    (Part 1)                    (Part 2)

  • Archive is a MUST-BUY book for every JEE Aspirant since it familiarizes you with the type of questions asked in JEE Advanced. I would personally recommend Arihant Publications for this purpose since it has problems from past 38 years sorted chapter-wise and also provides with the solutions to each problem.
  • (Highly Recommended)    

My final word of advice would be to first focus on the core topics like Mole Concept and Balancing, Equilibrium, Thermodynamics, Electrochemistry, Chemical Kinetics, Atomic Structure, Chemical Bonding etc. Then once you are through with these chapters then you can move on to the other chapters that require more memorization like Surface Chemistry, Solid State, Liquid Solutions, Nuclear Chemistry.

BEWARE:- Don't ignore topics like Surface Chemistry, Solid State, Liquid Solutions, Nuclear Chemistry thinking that they are less logical and hence have less chances to be asked in the exams. NO, In the recent years their importance has increased a lot and you can expect 3-4 questions from these topics.


  1. Why am I reading this, Anyway, great job guys

  2. P Bahadur physical chemistry is for both 11th and 12th?

  3. I have brought p Atkins advanced one it's too mathematical and formula given in book are also is not used in jee level , please recommend me a theory book for clearing concepts I am a beginner , preparing for iitjee 2019 ,

  4. Peter Atkins is quite Good for theory, just skip the portion thats not in JEE syllabus . If still you dont like it refer to Physical Chemistry by Wiley .

  5. What about OP Tandon physical chemistry

    1. Personally I did not like OP Tandon atleast for physical chemistry. It has cakewalk problems and the theory is also elaborated too much. However, you can practice qualitative analysis problems(paragraph type) from the inorganic one.

  6. Exactly I thought to ask the same question, what is your opinion about op tandon physical chemistry

  7. P Bahadur Physical Chemistry is good for iit or not

  8. Are solving fiitjee packages alone 2 times enough to crack iit jee of all PCM.

  9. which one is good wiley physical chemistry for jee or op tandon

  10. Is non attending school necessary for jee preparation ?

  11. "A.H-NMR:Comply with the structure£¬ B.LC-MS:Comply with the structure£¬
    C.The IR spectrum of sample should be identical with that of reference standard£¬
    The retention time of the major peak in the chromatogram of the Assay preparation corresponds to that in the chromatogram of the Standard preparation, as obtained in the Assay.
    " 2356-Tetrachlorobenzoquinone£¬

  12. books reading is skill of gaining knowledge but not opting Authors

  13. Thanks for Sharing such an informative content with us.
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